Pinebrook Center Venice nursing home found lacking in areas of resident nutrition, assessments and care planning
Pinebrook Center Venice nursing home, located at 1240 Pinebrook Road, was found to be deficient in several areas relating to resident care and services during 2019.
State investigators document failure of assessment at Pinebrook Center….
Every nursing home must assess its residents at the time of admission and on an ongoing basis in order to recognize and document their needs. Most importantly, those assessments must be accurate. Pinebrook Center was found to have failed to comply with the following federal requirement: ยง483.20(g) Accuracy of Assessments. The assessment must accurately reflect the resident’s status.
State investigators document failure of care planning at Pinebrook Center…
Once a resident is assessed and their needs are determined by the nursing staff, the nursing home must develop a care plan and revise that care plan as warranted. Pinebrook Center was found to have failed to comply with requirements related to care planning under federal law, including: (1) Each resident admitted to the nursing home facility shall have a plan of care. The plan of care must consist of: (a) Physician’s orders, diagnosis, medical history, physical exam and rehabilitative or restorative potential. (b) A preliminary nursing evaluation with physician’s orders for immediate care, completed upon admission. (c) A complete, comprehensive, accurate and reproducible assessment of each resident’s functional capacity which is standardized in the facility, and is completed within 14 days of the resident’s admission to the facility and every twelve months, thereafter. The assessment must be: 1. Reviewed no less than once every 3 months; 2. Reviewed promptly after a significant change, which is a need to stop a form of treatment because of adverse consequences (e.g., an adverse drug reaction), or commence a new form of treatment to deal with a problem, in the resident’s physical or mental condition; and, 3. Revised as appropriate to assure the continued accuracy of the assessment.
State investigators document failure of adequate and appropriate healthcare at Pinebrook Center…
Pinebrook Center’s Venice nursing home, like all Florida nursing homes, was required to provide its residents with access to adequate and appropriate healthcare. This is a basic resident right. Pinebrook Center was found by state investigators to have failed to comply with this requirement under Florida law: The right to receive adequate and appropriate health care and protective and support services, including social services; mental health services, if available; planned recreational activities; and therapeutic and rehabilitative services consistent with the resident care plan, with established and recognized practice standards within the community, and with rules as adopted by the agency.
The complete results of the survey inspection conducted by Florida officials at Pinebrook Center Venice nursing home may be viewed here:
Have questions concerning Pinebrook Center or another nursing home?
If you suspect that a loved one has been abused or neglected at Pinebrook Center or another nursing home and have questions about what can be done, please feel free to call me for a free, confidential consultation at (941) 485-7600. Our law firm works on a contingency basis and fights to hold bad nursing homes accountable for the neglect, abuse and exploitation of the elderly. James Edwin Keim, Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer.