Arden Courts Sarasota complaints brought investigators to the facility recently where they found violations of Florida law. Arden Courts of Sarasota is a 56-bed assisted living facility located at 5509 Swift Road, Sarasota, Florida 34231. All assisted living facilities in Florida are licensed and regulated by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. Florida officials inspect each ALF around the time its license comes up for renewal. Additionally, whenever the Agency receives a complaint, an unannounced investigation is undertaken. The State of Florida recently had the occasion to conduct an inspection at Arden Courts of Sarasota as part of the re-licensure process. It also undertook to investigate two complaints that it has received around that same time.
Arden Courts Sarasota Complaints and Facility Investigated
When new individuals are hired to work in any Florida assisted living facility, they are legally required to show proof from a healthcare provider that they are free from communicable diseases. Each new employee must also undergo certain training.
Florida officials arrived at Arden Courts of Sarasota without notice. They made observations, interviewed staff and reviewed records. When they were finished with their onsite investigation, they concluded that Arden Courts of Sarasota failed to comply with Florida law. The State of Florida cited this ALF with five (5) Class III deficiencies based on the the facilities failure to conform to the requirements of Florida law.

Arden Courts of Sarasota received deficiencies in relation to the failure to meet staffing standards, the failure to provide proper in-service staff training, the failure to provide proper HIV/AIDS training, the failure to provide proper training on “do not resuscitate” orders, and the failure to provide proper training related to Alzheimer disease and dementia. The complete most recent publicly available 15-page inspection report for Arden Courts of Sarasota may be reviewed on the Agency’s website located here: https://tinyurl.com/2s4f55vb
Do you have concerns about the neglect or abuse of an ALF resident? Free Consultation: (941) 485-7600

I have represented local families and victims of elder abuse and neglect in Sarasota for nearly thirty years. If you have questions or concerns about the suspected mistreatment of a loved one, please feel free to call me for a confidential, free consultation at (941) 485-7600. James Keim, Elder Abuse Lawyer.
By holding assisted living facilities accountable when they hurt our seniors, we can help to improve the quality of care for all Floridians.

File under: Arden Courts Sarasota complaints lawsuits reviews
Facility image courtesy of Google Maps.