If it comes time to choose a nursing home in Venice, Florida, it is important to do as much independent investigation as time permits. The prospective resident or their family should visit the nursing home at different times of day, during different shifts. How well staffed does the nursing home appear to be? Are the residents’ needs being met in a timely manner? I am a nursing home abuse lawyer who handles cases in Venice, Englewood, Sarasota, Bradenton and surrounding communities. Venice currently has six nursing homes located in or nearby the city. Pinebrook Center is a for-profit nursing home located in Venice, Florida at 1240 Pinebrook Road, Venice, Florida 34285.
Pinebrook Center Faced with Deficiencies and Lawsuits
During 2015, Pinebrook Center was the subject of both annual survey and complaint investigations by the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration that resulted in this nursing home being cited for deficient practices in failing to meet the requirements of the federal Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987. The Agency concluded its annual survey inspection on January 8, 2015 and cited Pinebrook Center for multiple deficiencies detailed in a 33 page report. The Agency later conducted unannounced complaint investigations in July, 2015. Additional violations were found and cited at that time. If you visit a nursing home, you have the right to request and read their surveys and complaint investigations. This information may also be obtained online at:
Pinebrook Center is part of a chain of nursing homes owned and managed by a publicly traded company known as Genesis HealthCare, Inc. based in Kennett Square, PA. Genesis HealthCare, Inc. is one of, if not the current largest, nursing home operators in the United States. According to its website, Genesis HealthCare, Inc. owns or manages more than 1,600 healthcare facilities in 46 states.
Lawsuits Brought Against Pinebrook Center in Venice
There have been lawsuits brought against Pinebrook Center in Venice. I have one or more pending cases against Pinebrook Center. If you are a former employee of Pinebrook Center who has knowledge about issues, concerns or problems at this facility and the company that owns and operates it, I would urge you to contact me at (941) 485-7600.
Have Questions about Pinebrook Center or another Local Nursing Home?
Nursing home abuse and neglect takes many forms but it is seen through the development of pressure sores, malnutrition, dehydration, serious infection, fractured bones, bowel impactions and other unexplained injuries. If you have questions about a local nursing home or wish to discuss a potential case of abuse and neglect with a Venice nursing home abuse lawyer who has evaluated hundreds of claims, please feel free to call me, James Keim, Attorney at Law at (941) 485-7600. I always provide a free consultation and personally handle every case, and you will not be passed off to some middleman or junior level associate. All cases are handled on a contingency fee and cost basis. This means that you pay no fee or costs unless we obtain a settlement, award or verdict.