Beneva Lakes Assisted Living Center lawsuits are public record and may be viewed at the Clerk of Court’s office in Sarasota. Since 2019, two lawsuits have been filed against this for-profit ALF which is located at 743 South Beneva Road, Sarasota, Florida. This ALF has 120 beds. It has been fined a total of three times by the State of Florida since 2020. Additionally, this Sarasota assisted living facility has been sued twice since 2019.
Recent Lawsuit alleges

The most recent lawsuit filed alleges claims for negligence, the violation of resident rights and wrongful death against the corporate licensee, operators and owner of the assisted living facility. The case is currently active and pending in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit of Florida, Sarasota County. In addition to this pending lawsuit, the ALF has been the subject of numerous complaints over the years.
Complaints substantiated by State of Florida

Complaints filed against the assisted living facility were substantiated by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. Some of these complaints centered on facility staffing standards, resident records and resident care. The facility has received a number of Class II and Class III deficiencies. A deficiency is the failure to meet requirements for assisted living facilities that are set forth under Florida law. Every operator who applies for and receives a license agrees to comply with these requirements. The complete complaint history for this ALF may be viewed here:
Do you have questions about assisted living facility neglect or abuse?
If you suspect that a loved one is being harmed as a result of assisted living facility neglect or abuse, please free to call me for a free, confidential consultation at (941) 485-7600. For over 25 years, I have fought to hold assisted living facilities accountable for harming the elderly and to improve the quality of care for all Floridians. James Edwin Keim, Sarasota Elder Neglect Lawyer.

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