Siesta Key Health and Rehabilitation Center is an 120 bed for-profit nursing home located at 4602 Northgate Court, Sarasota, Florida 34234. This nursing home was inspected several times during 2023 and was cited with a total of 52 deficiencies. A deficiency is the failure to comply with state and / or federal law as it applies to nursing homes.
During 2023, this nursing home received multiple deficiencies in a number of areas that have the potential to significantly impact residents. Among other things, the nursing home was cited for failing to provide a safe and clean homelike environment, failing to ensure residents are free from abuse and neglect, failing to meet quality of care requirements, failing to follow an adequate infection prevention and control program, failing to follow physician orders, failing to adhere to the resident right to receive adequate and appropriate healthcare, and failing to ensure that residents are free from abuse and restraints. To view all of the detailed inspection reports for this nursing home, visit the Agency’s website here: http://tinyurl.com/yc37ws5z
Siesta Key Health Fined and on “Watch List”

This facility is currently on the State of Florida “Nursing Home Watch List.” It was also fined in connection with its survey results during 2023. The Agency advises that: “The Watch List identifies nursing homes that are operating under bankruptcy protection or met the criteria for a conditional status during the past 30 months. A conditional status indicates that a facility did not meet, or correct upon follow-up, minimum standards at the time of an inspection. Immediate action is taken if a facility poses a threat to resident health or safety. Under Florida law, nursing homes have a right to challenge state sanctions. Facilities challenging a conditional license are noted as “under appeal.” Watch List information is subject to change as appeals are processed.”
Need to speak with a Sarasota Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer?

As a nursing home abuse lawyer who has handled many Sarasota cases over nearly 30 years, I am familiar with most nursing home corporations that operate in the area. If you suspect that a loved one has been neglected or abused in a Sarasota nursing home and would like to discuss your options, please feel free to call me for a free, confidential consultation at (941) 485-7600. James Keim, Sarasota Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer. For more information, visit our website at https://venicelawfirm.com/
File under: Siesta Key Health and Rehabilitation complaints lawsuits reviews