Englewood Healthcare Rehabilitation Center Nursing Home complaints uncover violations of law according to the Agency for Healthcare Administration
Englewood Healthcare Rehabilitation Center Nursing Home complaints triggered an investigation that concluded with the Englewood nursing home being cited for 22 violations of law. The results of an unannounced investigation into an Englewood nursing home, known as Englewood Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center, between April 11, 2016 and April 15, 2016 were recently made public. This nursing home is owned by Florida-based company, Consulate Healthcare, and is located at 1111 Drury Lane, Englewood, Florida 34224.
The citations of deficiencies resulted from a combination of an investigation into specific complaints about Englewood Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center as well as the undertaking of its annual licensure recertification survey by Florida officials. At the time of the investigation into this nursing home, the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration found that Englewood Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center did not meet requirements set forth under the federal Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987.
Substandard Care Revealed by Investigation at Englewood Healthcare Rehabilitation Center Nursing Home
Englewood Healthcare Rehabilitation Center Nursing Home complaints led to specific citations of deficiencies related to the following topics and areas of concern:
F 166 The failure to provide prompt efforts to resolve grievances.
F 226 The failure to develop or implement written policies and procedures that prohibit mistreatment, neglect, and abuse of residents and misappropriation of resident property.
F 241 The failure to promote care for residents in a manner and in an environment that maintains or enhances each resident’s dignity and respect.
F 250 The failure to provide medically-related social services to residents.
F 272 The failure to make a comprehensive assessment of a resident’s needs.
F 279 The failure to develop a comprehensive care plan for each resident.
F 280 The failure to ensure that the resident has the right to participate in planning the care and treatment or changes in the care or treatment.
F 281 The failure to ensure that the services provided or arranged by the facility meet professional standards of quality.
F 309 The failure to ensure that each resident receives and the facility provides the necessary care to attain or maintain their highest practicable well-being.
F 312 The failure to ensure that, for a resident unable to carry out activities of daily living, the resident receives the necessary services to maintain good nutrition, grooming, and personal and oral hygiene.
F 314 The failure to ensure that a resident does not develop avoidable pressure sores and receives the treatment necessary to promote healing and prevent infection of pressure sores.
F 353 The failure to ensure that the facility has sufficient nursing staff to provide nursing and related services to residents.
F 431 The failure to employ or properly obtain the services of a licensed pharmacist.
F 514 The failure to maintain clinical records on each resident in accordance with accepted professional standards and practices.
Additionally, Englewood Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center was cited in violation of the Florida Administrative Code for, among other things, failing to follow physician’s orders and failing to provide residents with adequate and appropriate healthcare.
In exchange for receiving taxpayer money through Medicare and Medicaid, nursing homes must follow the safety rules that were enacted to protect and promote the health of our most vulnerable and elderly adults. Many of these individuals made tremendous sacrifices for this country and fought during time of war. Nursing home corporations owe them more than the substandard care, and in some cases non-existent care, that is provided.
Questions concerning Englewood Healthcare Rehabilitation Center Nursing Home complaints or issues involving another Florida nursing home? Call Jim at (941) 485-7600 for a free, confidential consultation
As a nursing home abuse lawyer, I fight to improve the quality of care in our area nursing homes and assisted living facilities on behalf of the elderly, sick and vulnerable adults who lack the ability, strength or voice to carry out the fight on their own. If you have questions about a Florida nursing home or assisted living facility, or wish to discuss a case of nursing home abuse or neglect, you are welcome to call me for a free, confidential consultation toll free at (844) 485-7600 or (941) 485-7600. James Keim, Attorney at Law.